Hip Dysplasia diagnosis & Doctor appointments


Here are a few things we've heard from families going through diagnosis & treatment

  • This journey is going to impact you more than your baby.
  • Take time to allow you and your baby to settle into brace life. This can be several days to a week.
  • Keep your days as simple as possible and don't place too much pressure on yourself 
  •  Keep an eye on your babies skin and discuss any issues with your caregivers
  • Follow the instructions from your caregivers - they have you and your babies best intention at heart
  • Hip Dysplasia is not painful to the baby and the memory of the brace will not be remembered. Life will find a new normal
  • The use of towels and sleeping aids as well as tilting the cot can assist to make bub more comfortable during sleep times. Sleeping bags are great to keep bub warm. Always follow safe sleeping guides.
  • Continue breastfeeding! We have linked resources under mealtimes & highchairs
  • Nappy changes can be particularly challenging - see resources also below 




The Matrescence phase

 Accept & honour the phase you are in 
HIP DYSPLASIA AUSTRALIA    Fabulous support group - a must join! 
HIP DYSPLASIA INTITUTE Fact sheets & resources available in many translations 
HDCA SUPPORT GROUP Our very own Hip Clothing Support group for all parents seeking a place to chat and share
Treatment of DDH The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne fact sheets, signs/symptoms of DDH & types of treatments, splints, braces, casts and more 
NAPPY CHANGING RESOURCE  a free download for you and your child's care givers/childcare. Printable posters and care instructions to help educate about hip healthy nappy changes whether your child is in a brace, cast or for good general hip health.








If you know of another we should add, please contact us adelle@hipclothingau.com 

DISCLAIMER This information is intended to support, not replace, discussion with your doctor or healthcare professionals. Every effort is made to ensure this information is up to date, accurate and easy to understand. Hip Dysplasia Clothing Australia accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies, information perceived as misleading.