RHINO & DBB Braces
Support, tips & tricks for babies wearing Denis Brown Bar brace & Rhino abduction braces for the treatment of developmental hip dysplasia.
QUESTIONS FOR YOUR HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS - printable template to take with you for first appointments
NAPPY CHANGING RESOURCE - a free download for you and your child's care givers/childcare. Printable posters and care instructions to help educate about hip healthy nappy changes whether your child is in a brace, cast or for good general hip health.
Comfy pants, leg warmers , plus all the cute matching accessories,
Brace friendly Pouches & Swaddles
NICOLE From Baby & kids physio
Safe swaddling tips
Is BABYWEARING hip friendly? Read all about it HERE
Breastfeeding Australia provides tips on positioning and latching while in a brace or cast
The team from Western Health have created a course for parents with a DDH diagnosis. FEEL confident to support your little one with feeding, playing and sleeping whilst in the brace. You and your baby can focus on your connection and having fun. Includes explanations, images and videos. Use Code - HDCA50 for 50% off
DENIS BROWN BRACE - instructional videos
Rhino brace video source - Children's Hospital Colorado
Video Source - ORTHOKIDS
If you know of another we should add, please contact us adelle@hipclothingau.com
DISCLAIMER This information is intended to support, not replace, discussion with your doctor or healthcare professionals. Every effort is made to ensure this information is up to date, accurate and easy to understand. Hip Dysplasia Clothing Australia accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies, information perceived as misleading.