Hip Dysplasia Support Groups

Find a community of parents in the same position as you. Connect with strong, inspiring mums and families on their hip dysplasia journey.


HIP DYSPLASIA AUSTRALIA - Fabulous support group - a must join! 

HDCA SUPPORT GROUP - Our very own Hip Clothing Support group for all parents seeking a place to chat and share 

HEALTHY HIPS AUSTRALIA - access a support group in your state or territory, Spica Families and those with children 4+ years diagnosed with DDH 

 I'M A HIPpy - Canadian based support forum & patient stories


The Strength Beyond Project - Raising awareness & empowering others. Stories from  DDH warriors of all ages



If you know of another we should add, please contact us adelle@hipclothingau.com 

DISCLAIMER This information is intended to support, not replace, discussion with your doctor or healthcare professionals. Every effort is made to ensure this information is up to date, accurate and easy to understand. Hip Dysplasia Clothing Australia accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies, information perceived as misleading.