Lilah's Story

💕Meet Lilah a #hipwarrior, read about her determination & inspiring story💕

A click in Lilah's right hip at birth and creases that never matched, we were told her hip dysplasia was very mild and not to worry. The 6week maternal health check up was via telehealth due to covid and our usual doctor was working from home so we saw a different doctor who again said it was mild and we'll keep an eye on it.

We had no family history and no knowledge of what hip dysplasia was or how invasive treatment was once they got older so we didn't push. We waited.

At 4.5mths, our usual doctor explained she should have had an ultrasound and to book it asap. At 5mths, the ultrasound showed a 'moderate' level of dysplasia in one hip and 'mild' in the other. They said they would ultrasound again in 6weeks time. Luckily my doctor referred us to a private specialist instead and at 5.5mths, the x-ray showed 'moderate' in both hips and we were braced that day 23/7 in a DBB.
We were so grateful our doctor had followed up on this and expressed there could be some urgency.

Lilah was already quite active when she was braced and rolled in it the next week, sitting strongly not long after that. Though told she was unlikely to crawl normally and that most babies find a way such a 'bum shuffle', Lilah crawled. She then began pulling herself up to stand at any opportunity and at at 8.5mths, was using anything at her level to push to walk.

The brace hasn't hindered her development in any way and I hope that this video helps ease the many worries that go through a parents mind when they are going through something similar. I know we were lucky to avoid surgery and at her appointment in 2weeks time she is due to reduce her wear from 23/7 to night and naps.

Click picture of Lilah walking in her rhino brace. 


lilah rhino brace walking

June is #hipdysplasiaawarenessmonth
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