Babywearing & Play
Support your baby during growth milestones giving them meaningful play opportunities. A challenge for all DDH families is how to hold and support their baby as they grow & move while wearing a brace or cast. Baby-wearing resources for parents while undergoing hip dysplasia treatment
Is BABYWEARING hip friendly? Read all about it HERE
BABY WEARING - check out recommended hip healthy product recommendations from The International Healthy Hip Institute
BABY PLAY ACADEMY The team from Western Health have created a course for parents with a DDH diagnosis. FEEL confident to support your little one with feeding, playing and sleeping whilst in the brace. You and your baby can focus on your connection and having fun. Includes explanations, images and videos. Use Code - HDCA50 for 50% off
TUMMY TIME - lots of DDH babies struggle with tummy time and that's ok. Here are some tips & tricks to help
- Start with short bursts of time and build up to longer sessions
- Stop before they get distressed -
- Use your body to help position, they can drape over your knee or lay on your tummy.
- Get down on the floor and have a chat together.
- Use a mirror as a distraction
For more ideas check out @nicole_kidsphysio on Instagram
When all else fails or you are needing a shift in energy, heading outside for some fresh air. Or put on some music and dance! Bubbles are also a brilliant distraction.
Watch this space for more play ideas as we develop our resources.
If you know of another we should add, please contact us
DISCLAIMER This information is intended to support, not replace, discussion with your doctor or healthcare professionals. Every effort is made to ensure this information is up to date, accurate and easy to understand. Hip Dysplasia Clothing Australia accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies, information perceived as misleading.