Settling & Sleep

Every mother wants their sleep. We help you navigate settling and sleeping with braces & casts. Find tips & tricks tried and tested by parents with hip dysplasia infants. Soothe your baby as they adjust to the changes both during and after treatment. Learn safe swaddling techniques to avoid DDH. 


  • This journey is going to impact you more than your baby.
  • Take time to allow you and your baby to settle into brace life. This can be several days to a week.
  • Keep your days as simple as possible and don't place too much pressure on yourself 
  • Follow their regular bedtime routine as much as possible
  • The use of towels and sleeping aids as well as tilting the cot can assist to make bub more comfortable during sleep times. Sleeping bags are great to keep bub warm. Always follow safe sleeping guides.
  • To make them more comfortable, try rolling up the end of the sleeping bag and propping it under their legs/brace


NICOLE From Baby & kids physio - Safe swaddling tips

HEALTHY SWADDLING - learn how to swaddle you baby with hip healthy techniques (video) 

SLEEP PRODUCTS - Brace friendly Pouches & Swaddles 



If you know of another we should add, please contact us 

DISCLAIMER This information is intended to support, not replace, discussion with your doctor or healthcare professionals. Every effort is made to ensure this information is up to date, accurate and easy to understand. Hip Dysplasia Clothing Australia accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies, information perceived as misleading.